Follows Mae Cannon as she finds herself restless inside a marriage that totally works. A new fantastical journey will take her to parallel universes.
I love myself, and I#39;m living my life,this is what I choose how I spend my time, and how to live my life, according to things that this world makes me possessd, doing things make me happy/healthy/safe...
I love myself, and I#39;m living my life,this is what I choose how I spend my time, and how to live my life, according to things that this world makes me possessd, doing things make me happy/healthy/safe/satisfied. That#39;s all, that#39;s how I feel. [视]R露,0727,超出预期,观剧轻松。今天连续第三部露点,尺度越来越大,这运气。藏传佛教,六道轮回,饿鬼道,魔王魔罗,密宗女神空行母。个人见过自编自导自演里最大胆的女主,皮肤很棒,有几分伊莫琴·普茨,海报不错,笑容很有亲和力。中年危机,没有小孩,高潮穿越,五段平行人生,一觉醒来自动与高潮对象成婚,物是人非,中途适应,角色扮演,自尉可重回单身,自称“阴dao虫洞”。有奥巴马、卡斯特罗、提及科特·...
[视]R露,0727,超出预期,观剧轻松。今天连续第三部露点,尺度越来越大,这运气。藏传佛教,六道轮回,饿鬼道,魔王魔罗,密宗女神空行母。个人见过自编自导自演里最大胆的女主,皮肤很棒,有几分伊莫琴·普茨,海报不错,笑容很有亲和力。中年危机,没有小孩,高潮穿越,五段平行人生,一觉醒来自动与高潮对象成婚,物是人非,中途适应,角色扮演,自尉可重回单身,自称“阴dao虫洞”。有奥巴马、卡斯特罗、提及科特·柯本、汤姆·汉克斯、lt;伦敦生活S2、中国长城。多人分饰多角,多民族配角,lgbt,自吻自,钥匙盛粉少见,处男碰壁惊喜。兜兜转转,寻找自我,E7插曲11#39;25lt;everything is freeSylvan Esso,集尾曲lt;if it makes you happySheryl Crow,E3集尾曲和E2插曲20#39;15“it#39;s all all all or nothing”也不错 概念挺好的,但总感觉差了一点儿劲,故事有些弱。
情节真的太弱了…跟fleabag不能比 台词太做作